
Benchmark Trip to Paris

240320 DHM Paris Mobilitaetswende 2160x1080 1 pdf 1

Urban transformation & mobility turnaround in Paris
9 - 11 October 2024

This year's benchmark trip takes us to Paris - a city that is pursuing ambitious plans for the future with regards to mobility transition and urban transformation.

Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, plays a key role in this. She has been developing a sustainable urban mobility concept since 2014 and has been instrumental in realizing visionary plans for a car-free city with the aim of transforming the French capital into a climate-friendly metropolis.

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  • Reception by the German Embassy

  • Discovery tour by bike to the main innovations in the mobility sector

  • Insights into the transformation of the city & discussion with the city government and private stakeholders involved | City Hall Paris

  • Post-Olympic innovations:

    - Traffic-restricted zones in arrondissements 1 to 4

    - Innovative olympic lane

  • Autonomous shuttles

  • E-mobility & charging infrastructure

  • Station F - the most successful start-up centre in France

Our Service

The invitation includes the preparation of the programme, selection of the hotel and the organisation of all processes on site. Participants book their travel and hotel themselves and bear the corresponding costs directly. Expenses for meals and any transport in Paris will be allocated after the trip.

Target Group

The participants are partner companies from the Digital Hub Mobility ecosystem and UnternehmerTUM, decision-makers from the state capital of Munich, transport ministries at state and federal level, the Hanseatic City of Hamburg and other municipalities as well as various companies and start-ups from the mobility sector.

Arrival & Accommodation

Arrival by TGV is planned for Wednesday morning, 9 October 2024, with departure on Friday afternoon, 11 October. If you are taking part in the pre-event (visit to the Renault Re-Factory), you will arrive on Tuesday 8 October.

Detailed information on travel and accommodation will follow after successful registration.

Haben wir Euer Interesse geweckt?

Dann schickt uns Eure Anfrage zur Teilnahme per E-Mail (! Es sind noch wenige Plätze verfügbar.

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