citizen mobility

Trusted Green Charging 2.0


Electric cars are only as clean as their power supply. That's why we are making the origin of electricity transparent
and create a local price incentive for green charging.

At the Digital Hub Mobility, we are building a prototype that makes the source of power used for charging at semipublic charge points transparent, taking into account on-site generated solar power as well as the CO2-intensity of the grid mix. To incentivize green charging behavior, we developed a dynamic charging tariff, that reflects these different power sources. In this way, drivers benefit from cheaper prices when local renewable production is high while charge point operators maximize the use of on-site generated solar power and grid operators benefit from grid-friendly charging behavior. 

Unbenannt 14

The Challenge

The generation of renewable energies fluctuates depending on location and time. Accordingly, the CO2 intensity of grid electricity fluctuates.
Fig 2

Our Approach

We have developed a dynamic charging tariff based on the hyperlocal CO2 intensity of the charging current. Among other factors, this is based on local and regional consumption and generation data as well as the electricity purchase price.
Fig 3

The Solution

To make the decision to charge green and cheap as easy as possible, we developed an app prototype that suggests the best charging strategy based on the driver's charging needs.


Our Team

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Johannes Weber

Solution Manager, SAP E-Mobility

"Sustainability is relevant more than ever - SAP enables companies to become more sustainable. With our Trusted Green Charging project, we are working together with partners on providing sustainability solutions for a green future."
Foto Fruth Saskia

Saskia Fruth

Data Scientist, Innovation Center IABG

"At the innovation center at IABG we are constantly striving to develop innovative, safe & secure, and sustainable technologies. We believe cooperating with valuable partners is key for moving towards a sustainable, green future. Therefore, we are bringing in our expertise in Data Science & AI, Safety & Security, Human Factors Engineering, and more to build a sustainable prototype in the Trusted Green Charging Project."
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Lukas Bobinger

Digital Services, ChargeX

"As a Startup we are dependent on good partnerships, to drive our innovation fast. We are faced with the task of combining the energy and mobility sectors. We can only do this if all stakeholders pull together."
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Maliheh Haghgoo

ICT Engineer, E.ON

"As digital R&D unit of E.ON, Future Lab delivers new digital technologies and intellectual property that empower sustainable innovations at E.ON.Together with the business, we explore innovation opportunities, discover technical solutions, create prototypes and reintegrate them into their operational business environment."
Fisnik Musai Success Factor

Fisnik Musai

Product Owner ÖkoHeld App, Bayernwerk

"A key factor in the success of the energy transition is aligning local green energy generation to local consumption. Our journey as a team starts with e-mobility. We want e-cars to physically charge "green energy" and businesses and individual drives to benefit from it."
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Ulrich Scholl

Chief Product Owner, SAP E-Mobility

"The world needs to move to Green Energy Systems, where various ingredients need to come together in sustainable business models. To achieve this, a strong ecosystem of partners is key. The team brings all relevant skills and capabilities to the table to define and validate options."

Alex Bogensperger

Head of Digital Innovation and Data Analytics

"Decarbonization cannot be achieved without digitization. At FfE its our goal to connect all areas of the energy transition, leverage synergies and create new solutions. We would like to contribute our expertise of the energy sector and its regulatory framework and push the boundaries of what is possible."

Our Partners

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Bayernwerk Logo
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Fig 6

citizen mobility: From the Idea to a Prototype in 6 Months

This project is part of our citizen mobility format, which aimes at companies and startups in the mobility sector. Given the changes in the mobility industry, cross-company and cross-sector partnerships are becoming increasingly important. However, for many of our customers, establishing such partnerships is time-consuming, complex to manage, and difficult to keep on track for success.

Our solutions:

  1. A neutral platform for fast-starting collaborative projects and managing stakeholder interests.
  2. Domain-specific expertise and effective project management
  3. Fast, collaborative prototyping to create, test and learn at a rapid pace
  4. Partners include enterprises, startups, academia and cities

The result:

  • Long-term relationships with other project partners
  • Expert knowledge of relevant technologies and new business opportunities
  • Newly developed prototypes and concepts for further exploration
  • High visibility through joint networking events and press coverage

Want to learn more? Visit us on our website!

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DHM 2022 164 2

Dr. Johanna Bronisch

Head of Energy Innovation

Profile on Linkedin
Elena Schelling

Elena Schelling

Consultant Innovation & Business Creation

Profile on Linkedin